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Century plant in Corpus Christi in full bloom

The plant, an Agave americana, will only bloom once in its 20-30 year lifespan before dying.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Editor's note: The above video is coverage of Houston's century plant in bloom.

You may have seen them before, but this plant in a front yard in Corpus Christi is finally in full bloom-- the only time it will bloom in its 20-30 year lifespan.

The stalk on the Agave americana, frequently called a century plant, stands about two stories tall and looks to have recently bloomed. The blooms can last about three to four months and then the plant will completely die. 

Credit: 3NEWS

In Houston, residents in one neighborhood have been watching a century plant getting ready to bloom, our sister station KHOU reports. Curious drivers stop their cars to take a picture next to the magic stalk before it’s gone.

RELATED: Massive century plant about to flower in front yard of Houston house

RELATED: South Texas Botanical Gardens will have a "Young Explorers" summer camp for kids

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