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LaPoynor residents speak out against taking down Christian flag

"They fight against what's right, what's holy and what's sacred to Christians. And we can call them nothing else but tyrannist!" 

Before the school board meeting started, a group of parents and students circled around the very object that's under scrutiny for a word of prayer. After praying, people packed themselves in a small room and waited to hear from leaders on how they'll address the possible removal of the Christian flag.During the open forum on the agenda, three people expressed how they felt to board members.

"They [The Freedom from Religion Foundation] fight against what's right, what's holy and what's scared to Christians," One person announced. "And we can call them nothing else but tyrannist."

The Christian flag flies high along with the U.S. and Texas flag. The Freedom from Religion Foundation asked for the flag to be taken down. They sent a letter to the school district which said in part:

"The district should be particular mindful of being inclusive of minority religious and non religious people,"

CBS 19 reached out the foundation. Sam Grover, their attorney, said LaPoynor ISD is a government entity.

"The school district cannot be in business of promoting on religion over the other religions," Grover said.

In response, LaPoynor ISD's superintendent, James Young, released a statement in part:

"We are in the process of reviewing the concerns addressed in the correspondence and will take any action deemed necessary."

After the open forum, Superintendent Young spoke briefly about the issue. Young said "we may need to take action on the next board meeting."

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