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East Texas teacher seeks to win $40,000 for classroom makeover through national contest

She teaches business class at Westwood High School and also serves as the adviser for Business Professionals of America and the robotics and e-sports clubs.

PALESTINE, Texas — An East Texas teacher is among 12 finalists across the nation who could win $40,000 to fund a classroom makeover. 

Tyler Hebert, a career and technical education teacher at Westwood ISD in Palestine, applied for furniture maker KI's second annual classroom furniture giveaway and learning space design competition for kindergarten through 12th grade educators. 

However, to get the money, she needs people's votes by Wednesday, Jan. 31 to become one of the top four contestants who will win $40,000 worth of furniture. The winner will be announced Feb. 2. 

Hebert submitted a video to enter the contest to show the need for an upgrade. In the video, she not only shows off her current classroom setup but also her fun personality.

Sliding into the frame at her desk, she starts by saying that her students nicknamed her "Slay-ber."

She teaches business classes at Westwood High School and also serves as the adviser for Business Professionals of America and the robotics and e-sports clubs.

While giving a tour of her classroom, Hebert said she works to create a space where students can collaborate through the class setup. It's something she hopes to continue if she's awarded the funding. 

Credit: Tyler Hebert

"You can see on my drawings or design for the new classroom that I've definitely tried to create a space where students can create things and they have a makerspace side of things," Hebert said in the video. "But they also have that traditional learning environment, where they can sit in a seat and have their laptop out and kind of absorb that information I'm giving."

She said the furniture will help her out with storage for the maker space projects that her students work on in class. Along with those projects, her students also use a green screen to record newscasts about Westwood High School called The Panther Press. 

"We definitely need new items to help us do what we do because I have a lot going on," Hebert said. 

Hebert is one of two Texas teachers who are up for the big prize. To vote for Hebert, click here

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