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Historic bluebonnet Tyler home in full bloom as spring nears

This house is already filled with special memories, but when spring rolls around there’s a little added charm.

TYLER, Texas — Here in Tyler, there’s beauty even on the side of a busy road. 

The historic home of Mrs. Debbrah Clement-Walker sits at 1025 W Front St. in Tyler. It was her grandparents' house, then her father's and now hers.

"We have been here since 1965 maybe? And it was built in 1915," Clement-Walker said.

The house is already filled with special memories, but when spring rolls around there’s a little added charm - bluebonnets! 

"I’m not sure how they started– we love flowers around here so we just left them alone. And then year after year, it just became more and more and more," Clement-Walker said.

While bluebonnets are the official state flower of Texas, that doesn’t mean they can grow everywhere. Gardening experts say East Texas soil isn’t fit for the flowers, so to have a yard filled with them is a treat for everyone.

"They put their babies in the bluebonnets and take pictures and sometimes they’ll stop and knock on the door and ask if it’s OK and sometimes I’ve just seen them stop and do it, which is fine with me. I love to see that being done," Clement-Walker said.

And now they want to share the beauty with others, harvesting the seeds and handing them out to those who stop by.

"Reginald my husband, he’ll sit there like he’s shelling peas or something and just put the seed in a baggie or in a box for whoever wants them. And we have had people who will stop by and ask about the seeds," Clement-Walker said.

For people in Tyler passing down Front Street, don’t be shy to stop by. 

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