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Whitehouse High School holds cap and gown drive-thru

Whitehouse high school faculty got creative in their distribution of students’ graduation garb, including surprise appearances by some of their favorite teachers.

WHITEHOUSE, Texas — Though school buildings are closed, faculty and staff are figuring out ways to close out the year, including honoring their senior students approaching graduation.

Whitehouse ISD had a drive-thru cap and gown pick-up for their senior students on Wednesday. Whithouse High School principal Joshua Garred says it is important to keep the focus on the end of the school year despite the circumstances.

“It's important for them, because it's something for them to do that's constructive and to kind of move forward,” Garred explained. “This is just an opportunity for all of us to come together and get to see the kids and tell them we love them.”

Whitehouse High School seniors were greeted by cheering faculty when they arrived to pick up their caps and gowns.

“Our teachers miss the kids in a bad way," Garred explained. 'I know the kids miss the teachers in a bad way."

“I was not expecting it. I actually just started crying when I saw all my teacher,” Whitehouse senior Hannah Lewis said.

For now, Garred says they plan on having their graduation as planned at the end of May, although he says it is likely that will change.

“It's very likely that it will be a little bit different than what it usually looks like just to make sure that it stays safe. But right now we’re very much dedicated and committed to trying to get all these kids recognized as they need to be, on the stage on that evening,” Garred said.

But no matter the circumstance, students say they know their teachers are trying their best.

“It’s not ideal, but the way our teachers are handling it makes us all feel really special,” Whitehouse senior Carson Souter said.

“It's better than, like, not getting it at all. Or it's just like, the experience that they're trying to do for us is nice,” Whitehouse senior Abby Stainback said.

Garred said this event was not only something positive for his students, but the teachers who have walked with them through this journey as well.

“It's important for everyone that we realize that life needs to go on. And these teachers have spent way too much, dedicating their lives and dedicating their careers into these kids to, to just have them be gone," Garred said. "So it's important that they have an opportunity for a little bit of closure before we move on to graduation."

Whitehouse ISD continues to do online classes. Principal Garred says they plan on following any restrictions given by authorities for graduation, but they will have a graduation in some way.

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