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BE REMARKABLE: Nora Schreiber

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TYLER, Texas — Nora Schreiber doesn't sit still for very long.

When she's not working at Stanley's or creating art around Tyler, you can find her handing out bottles of water at bus stops and helping her elderly neighbors with yardwork.

" You know it gets to be over 100 degrees in the summers here," Schreiber said. "And we have people a lot of senior citizens that can't drive anymore, waiting for almost over an hour for their bus. So you know, I thought easy solution, let's give them some water. We have a lot of elderly people or some people that are sick, that can't take care of their yards. And, you know, unfortunately, the city has to give them violations for that. So that's what I was doing this morning just now is cleaning up some yards and making sure that they were okay and given giving feminine products to the ladies in need, you know, so that they don't have to worry about some of these difficult choices between something and then food."

A few years ago, she started her nonprofit called "Worthy Ones."

"So that actually came about because of the honors of Stanley's," said Schreiber. "So I've been doing, it started, I guess we'd say seven years ago, my new year's resolution was that every month I wanted to do something that would impact the community in different ways. And they took notice of that. And they mentioned, have you thought about this? And I said, Well, I had but you know, it's tricky. And then they gave me the means. And then I just took it and ran."

Schreiber was nominated for #BeRemarkable by her friend Susan.

"I'm from Peru," said Susan. "So what do people say about Tyler the yellow rose of East Texas? She's the yellow rose of Texas in person. She's my friend. So we love you. We love you."

Nora, thank you for being so remarkable!

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