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Lindale teen returns home after recovering from ski accident in Colorado

After months of surgeries in the intensive care unit and therapy in a rehab facility, Hannah Evans has finally returned home.

LINDALE, Texas — An almost four-month journey back home to Lindale became a celebration as community members showered local teenager Hannah Evans with cheers and love. On Wednesday, she and her family drove up Highway 69 towards the city's downtown area for the first time since her ski accident during Spring Break in Colorado. 

This homecoming celebration was much anticipated since Evans has been recovering since mid-March. She went from the intensive care unit undergoing several surgeries to a rehab facility where she learned to live again without the use of her legs.

Evans has overcome all odds from graduating high school at the hospital to flying and driving all the way back home to Lindale. Many community members lined up beside the highway to welcome her back home. Fellow cheerleading companion Landri Laing said the return home has inspired her. 

"She pointed to Jesus through all of it," Laing said. "It was just the fact that she found a positive light through it, even though such a dark time. I'm just really proud of her and what she's overcame and all that she will overcome."

Fundraisers to help benefit the Evans family ranged from raffling off their Taylor Swift tickets to raising $83,000 through the "Cheering for Hannah Bingo Night." 

Community members like Amy Holland have been supporting and following their journey from the beginning. She said this amount of support reminds her of when her son was also in need of help. 

"I just keep thinking about a mom and their daughter and it's just it's so special," Holland said. "This community, they did a lot for my son one time when he was ill so I know that this community is so strong and supportive. We love Hannah and we want to see her thrive and do well."

Evans is paralyzed from the waist down and continues to learn how to adapt to her new life, but not without the overflow of support from her friends and family like Kim Ellgass. She helped organize the family's homecoming by informing everyone of when to gather along the highway to cheer. 

"Lindale loves you Hannah," Ellgass said. "Get ready we are about to shower you with love and we are so excited that you are home. We are so excited that you are doing so much better."

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